2024> CS50’s Introduction to Cybersecurity Certification – Harvard University
2024> Responsive Web Design Certification
2024> AI GIRLS – I teach online courses on Artificial Intelligence and Creative Coding for high school girls, valid as a PCTO. I follow seven schools in total. Project curated by Codemotion and funded by IGT
2023> “Deep Synthetic Thought: A Machine Learning Odyssey“
The title of my presentation at the Artificial Intelligence@School
conference at IIS S. Pertini in Alatri.
2023> JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures – freeCodeCamp
2023> Metaverse for Ortonauti – a training project for teachers and students in middle secondary school, aimed at four schools of the Comprehensive Institute of Sigillo (PG) that won the Saper(E)Consumare 2022 competition. About sixty students have created four thematic metaverses on the topics of sustainable consumption and gardens.
2023> – Codemotion / Next Gen Project. Designer and coach of learning path about Creative Coding, 3D Coding, Coding&AI, aimed at 200 high school girls and valid as PCTO. The project themes are: Quality Education, Gender Eguality and Climate Action (goal 4,5, and 13 of Agenda 2030 UN).
2022> – Codemotion / Progetto Girls CodeUp, funded by AXA. Designer and coach of CodingMetaverse&Data Visualization course, aimed at high school girls and valid as PCTO. The project involves 250 high school girls
2022> – Codemotion / Cassa Depositi e Prestiti – webinar “Towards the Metaverse: Hype and Reality”
2022> – Teaching with the metaverse & escape rooms / Maker Faire. Talk at Maker Learn 2022.
2022> – TRON newsletter I have started TRON a weekly newsletter about Robotics, AI and Metaverse. https://tinyletter.com/cyberparra
2022> – Codemotion/ Open Fiber I designed and ran “Exploring the space with Coding & Robotics a STEAM OnLine labs aimed at children of Open Fiber’s employees.
2022> ESA Teach With Space Conference
2022> I published Un Garofano sul Letamaio historical novel
2022> – Codemotion/ GirlsTechUp Project, designer and coach of Coding&Metaverse course, aimed at high school girls as PCTO project.
2022> Escape AI & Escape Planet – I have designed and ran escape room in a metaverse about AI & Space
2022> – PDP Free Software User Group/ Progetto DOORS OnLine course aimed to teachers/educator about Creative Learning. I designed and ran an Escape Room on a metaverse about IA.
2022> I published Greta e i Tombini
2021> I published PAROLANDIA fantasy novel.
2020-2021> Codemotion: Designer and coach of OnLine Tecnology&Creativity labs: Robotics&Design, Coding&Multimedia, Coding Art&Design, RoboElettronics, Coding the Web, Arcade Game, Coding&Storytelling, SpaceChallenge (8-18yrs).
2020> Codemotion/Amazon – Webinar “IS AI intelligent?” I designed and ran a massive webinar for teachers/educators about AI.
2020> Codemotion/Amazon – Webinar “The Great Beauty of Scratch” I designed and ran a massive webinar for teachers/educators about the best use of Scratch in education.
2020> – PDP Free Software User Group/ DOORS Project.I have designed and ran the OnLine course about
Creative Learning/Scratch for teachers and educators.
2020> Station-X Codebreaker – Boardgame – I have designed a DIY & customizable boardgame about the epic story of codebrackers who defeated Enigma.
2020> RoverRace Boardgame – I have designed a DIY & customizable boardgame about the Robotic Rovers on Mars&Moon.
2020> TG Scratch – I designed and produced ludo-educational video format simulating a News Channel that tells stories of events occuring on Scracth. Videos available on youtube channel.
2020> Training path School of Learning – neuroscience in the classrom by Wonderful Education & FEM – Future Education Modena.
2020> I published VENDETTA
2020> TG Scratch – I designed and produced ludo-educational video format simulating a News Channel that tells stories of events occuring on Scracth. Videos available on youtube channel
2019> LunARia (Codemotion / EduTech Research&Development) – I am the curator of LunARia, an exhibition in Augmented Reality that tells the story of humans on the Moon. LunARia was presented at Maker Faire Rome.
2019> Fabriano / Makerspace inside Multimedia Library – On the occasion of UNESCO Creative Cities Network Annual Conference I ran an interactive talk and workshop about How to nurture creativity
2019> Scuola di Robotica / NaoChallenge2019 – Judge at the final NaoChallenge Human Robotics competition in Zagarolo (RM). I met with 17 High School teams and evaluated their project presentations on the theme “inclusion in education with NAO”
2019> Codemotion / EduTech Research&Development
2019> I published Cronache da Scratch 2 – La rivoluzione degli Yotta ed altri racconti
2018> Codemotion /Campustore/ MaKerFaireRome 2018 – teachers workshops about per: LEGO MINDSTORMS EDUCATION EV3: COSTRUIRE CODING E STEAM NELLA SCUOLA SECONDARIA
2018> Codemotion / MaKerFaireRome 2018 – I have designed the Creative Learning Area and the activities devoted to teachers/educators. I have also designed a TecnoFashion lab for parent-child couples.
2018> Codemotion – I designed and curated KAPPA magazine made with content generated by kids who joined CodemotionKids labs.
2017> Codemotion /AdaLabs – I have devised and ran the AdaLabs, girls-oriented technology courses with the aim of breaking down the gender gap in scientific and technological fields (Robotics Girls 11-13yrs, MakeApp 14-18 yrs)
2017> Tinkering Workshop for teachers of Istituto Comprensivo Dalla Chiesa (ROMA)
(credits: Stefania Bassi, IC Dalla Chiesa)
2017> Codemotion / Scratch Hackathon – I have designed and conducted the first edition of Scratch
Hackathon by Codemotion Kids! with 70 participants from 8 to 16 years grouped into 30 teams
2017> Codemotion / AdaLab al Campidoglio – I have devised and ran coding workshop for 45 school girls to allow them to defeat gender gap on STEM.The workshop was held at the Protomoteca of the Municipality of Rome under the patronage of the Department of Roma Semplice .
2016> Codemotion / School of Technology for kids & Young by Codemotion Kids! – I have designed the school model, ideating the learning paths for kids&young (8-18).
2016> Codemotion / Teacher Camp for Marymount International School Rome – Summer school for teacher about coding and digital fabrication. –
2016> Codemotion / Marymount International School Rome Student Workshops: 4 coding’s Workshops for high school students.
2016> Codemotion / British Telecom – Digital Family Day – ludo-educational event about Robotics & Making, devoted to employee’s children.
2016> Codemotion / Groupama – Digital Family Day – ludo-educational event about coding devoted to employee’s children.
2016> Codemotion / European Space Agency ESA-ESRIN – Coding workshop devoted to employee’s children.
2016> Codemotion / 5° TimGirlsHackathon (BARI CAGLIARI FIRENZE PADOVA) – Curator of the educational project and coach of the event. During the the day, girls who joined the project made a prototype of their APP about cyberbullying. (Galleria foto BARI)
2016> Codemotion/Marymount International School Rome – Coach of Digital Culture in Education for Teachers.
2016> Codemotion/Petranova International Institute – Scratch “Games To Learn” Course
2016> I am the author of “the women side of the net” published inside La rete e il fattore C by Stati Generali dell’Innovazione
2016> Codemotion / TimGirlsHackathon (VENEZIA TORINO NAPOLI CATANIA)
2015> I have achieved certification Mobile Computing with App Inventor
2015> Codemotion / TimGirlsHackathon MILANO
2015> Maker Faire Rome talk: Trash Toys for Creative Learning.
2015> Digital Accademia/Makers Camp for Kids – Summer Camp – I designed and ran the Tinkering Summer Camp for kids
2015> Codemotion/CodemotionKids SummerCamp – LEGO Robotics workshop for kids 9-13 yrs.
2015> Codemotion/Lycée Chateaubriand of Roma – Scratch Coding Course
2015> Codemotion / TimGirlsHackathon Bologna
2015> Coding@Scuola.com / RomeCup2015 – How to use coding at school, workshop for teachers.
2015> Codemotion/Petranova International Institute – Scratch Course “storytelling”
2015> Codemotion / TimGirlsHackathon Roma
- Coaching and facilitating the teams in coding&prototying APP via AppInventor
- I produced tutorials and educational doc
- I devised the project MUSE della MIST
- I created “Le Muse della MIST” App
(un video di come è andata)
2015> Codemotion/CodemotionKids – coach & designer of afterschool Lego Robotics
2014> Hour of Code workshop/Comune di Lucignano
2014> Codemotion/CodemotionKids – Vodafone Digital Day, ludo-educationa events devoted to employee’s childern
2014> Codemotion/CodemotionKids – I designed and ram LEGO Robotics lab (WeBot)
2014> Maker Faire Rome, as maker presenting TrashToys project; as Codemotion’s coach to run coding & robotics wokshop
2014> Join Codemotion srl to startup CodemotionKids project, that aim to create a Creative&Technology School for kids.
2014> I published Cronache da Scratch
2014> Joined the MOOC Tinkering Fundamentals: A Constructionist Approach to STEM Learning
2014> DIGITAL ACCADEMIA / Tinkering Summer Camp – I designed and conducted the Tinkering Summer Camp for kids (Gallery)
2014> Coder Dojo Roma / The Great Beauty of Scratch workshop for teachers (Galleria Foto)
2014> Rome Cup 2014 Creative Computing workshops for students
2014> Moderator of MIT Meda Lab MOOC Learning Creative Learning
2013> Roma Makers FabLab/IntroROBOTICA Educational Robotic workshop.
2013> Maker Faire Rome – tinkering lab & workshop about Scarabot.
2013> Joined Creative Computing Online Workshop (CCOW) by ScratchEd team Harvard University.
2013> giornata nazionale dei Giornalisti nell’Erba I ran the first tinkering event in Italy with Scarabot workshop
2013> MusicPlease in Latina – WeBot workshop
2013> I have started WeBot , educational robotics labs for kids & teen.
2013> Joined the Learning Creative Learning MOOC by MIT Media Lab. I managed one of the comunity (The Spirals) as Community Manager to facilitate the learning activities for the multinational group of people.
2012> Digital Divide Conference – Ingegneria Senza Frontiere; talk about digital divide et impera
2012> Ischia Film Festival – CineTag project presentation: tagging territories with QR code to show movie
2011> Speaker at Ischia Film Festival (IX Convegno Nazionale sul Cineturismo). Talk about GeoFilm Roma book based on QR Code.
2011> Theory and Practice of QRs (WorkShop QuRioso) a training course for Edit-Coop journalists cooperative
2011> Consultancy activities: Wiki/Enterprise 2.0, Service Management, QR code
2010> I published GeoFilm Roma
2007 – 2009> Among the founders of Ipazia Preveggenza Tecnologica strategic consulting consortium
2007> Enhancing sales with ebay – FILAS – webinar for Small&Medium Business.
2007> IT & Company Consultant
2005 – 2007> Webloom srl: Owner and Sales Director – eLearning company
2000 – 2005> Infotel Italia spa (Ericsson group) Account Manager / Sales&Marketing Department; Business Development Office (IT/TLC Market)
1999 – 2000> Cap Gemini spa: Senior Project Manager Y2K Migration for Italian/European railways data network.
1998 – 1999> Cap Gemini: Business Consultant / Account Manager – Telecom & Media Sector.
1996 – 1998> Cap Gemini spa: Pre-Sales Manager (Networking, Outsourcing & Facilty Management ApplicationManagement).
1992 – 1996> Cap Gemini spa: Project Manager (Networking, Outsourcing & Facilty Management).
1992 > Cap Gemini spa: Network Consultant Engineer for ESA/ESOC (Darmstadt, Germany, EUREKA Mission). Joined the Flight Control Team and I was a member od EUREKA Mission.
1987 – 1992> Sesa Italia Spa / Cap Gemini Spa: System Engineer – Telecom Branch.
1985> Sirio srl: Tecnico Elettronico